Google Reader

Bryan Siegel
April 10, 2011

Update Dec 8th, 2011

My current Reader Stats are
From your 245 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 19,562 items, clicked 13 items, starred 23 items, and emailed 0 items.
Since May 23, 2007 you have read a total of 214,013 items.

I love Google reader. It’s by far my favorite way of reading news in Tech, SEO and Web development. If you’re unfamiliar with Google reader I highly recommend that give it a try. If you have a Google account all you need to do is sign into your account on and navigation to

Here are my Google Reader Stats

Google Reader has a nice function that displays your Google reader reading activities. Below is mine.
From your 222 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 10,947 items
Since May 23, 2007 you have read a total of 90,138 items.

Google Listen

Google listen is a fantastic Podcast reader for Android. But with Google reader you can listen to your Google listen subscriptions within Google reader.

Give Google reader a try if you haven’t done so already. It’s a great way of staying up-to-date on multiple topics from your favorite websites.


google listen google reader podcasts

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