text editors

apache2 Google php sublime text 2 text editors Web Development

Getting Your Feet Wet with Web Development

January 5, 2014

Over the last few months I've been asked on where to start with web development and what tools do you need. So here's a post that addresses the general landscape and some tools to get you started. The Landscape There...

Microsoft mysql text editors windows 7

Run Sublime Text 2 and login to mysql with git bash on Windows 7

January 11, 2013

How about that for a title:-) Anyway I'm back on Windows and needed the git bash to open Sublime Text 2 and login to mysql (under Xampp) from the git bash. Since I couldn't find any info online on how...

code editors sublime text 2 text editors textmate

Sublime Text 2

August 19, 2011

I have been a heavy Textmate user for over a year now. I use Textmate for everything and have looked for a comparable editor and have been disappointed over and over again. First off, I'm not always on the Mac...

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Side projects, Employment Opportunities, you want to give me a [big bag] of money.
