There’s a new PHP podcast on the block

Bryan Siegel
March 29, 2013

I’ll be honest. PHP is all over the place. Communities tend to fall into which framework that you’re using instead of as a whole. I have a hard time locating good php dev news and podcasts. The reason why I’m mentioning this PHP podcast is because it’s run by Joe Stagner. Joe Stagner in case you haven’t heard of him is an X Microsoft guy who worked at Mozilla for a short time then moved onto his current role at Zend. Joe Stagner pretty much taught me He had videos on the official that turned me from primarily hobbiest to professional. When he went to Zend I started to get interested because the Zend framework/Ide/Server is the one avenue of PHP I’ve avoided. Primarily because I hate Eclipse but enterprise development doesn’t excite me. I’m allergic to suites, ties and TPS reports. Anyway I hope he does for Zend what he did for at Microsoft. Give me a single place to not only learn more about the Zend offerings but give me a single place to go for PHP besides the siloed framework places/people that I follow today. Episode 1 is up for your listening pleasure. While I couldn’t find a subscribe option I hope that this isn’t just an experiment and that there’s many more podcasts to come.


php podcasts

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