My Stack Fatigue Problem

Bryan Siegel
March 20, 2019

I have an issue with learning stacks, frameworks and languages because of what the job market looks like. I’ve had this issue for years. There’s not a ton of high paying development jobs where I live. When I started to learn development I learned one important lesson, that if there’s no job demand for the stack you’re working with then there will be no jobs.

This may seem like common sense to you but to me what it did was cause my anxiety and where I would hope stacks at the drop of the hat because it’s in demand that month even if I’m not looking for another job. For example, while checking job postings I’m not seeing a ton of high paying PHP jobs. So you know what my brain says? Learn Core. There’s a ton of .Net gigs that pay well. But wait you have to learn C# again. What about if you get an old webforms app. You haven’t worked with webforms for years.

What I need to do is relax. One thing about the job market where I live is that demand for a stack comes in waves. What I started to do is create good mini applications just to get a grasp of the new things coming out instead of focusing whether I should change my whole stack at the drop of a hat.



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