Getting Started With Django

Bryan Siegel
March 31, 2020

My new framework for today was Django which is a Python based web framework. I haven’t written any Python for at least 3-4 years and decided to give Django a try again. What turned me off of Django was using regular expressions for urls. But after creating a polls app in Django I gotta say I’m pretty hooked. I followed the tutorial below which is based upon Django’s documentation but simplified in video form.

Think I’m going to stick with Django for awhile

I enjoyed writing the Django poll app so much I’ve decided I’m going to stick with it for awhile. A ton of the code just clicked for me and I felt as though I was in control of the app vs too much magic (like how I felt with Rails at first). Some of the syntax was wonky such as rendering and displaying urls. In some instances the text was ‘polls/index.html’ then in some instances it was ‘polls:index’. While the tutorial is for Django 2x and 3 is out I think if you’re looking for a quick get the code functioning to see how the framework works the above video is a good beginner course.

Command Line Tip

Instead of typing in python (my python3 is aliased to python) all the time I created an alias in zsh.

In the terminal (I use nano for quick edits) nano .zshrc and typed

alias django="python"

Clone my Polls App



git clone


Django Web Development

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